Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Books and Reading Going Extinct?!
I certainly agree that people are becoming less interested in reading when its readily available on the internet summarized and paraphrased so you don't even have to read a text book or reading assignment. For those casual readers, I would hope that people would still write books. I enjoy a good book, I especially love reading David Eddings' books. I would be disheartened if literary books became unknown in my generation. I do learn by watching and listening, but I also learn by reading. I have to have both usually. I believe that listening, watching and reading are all very important and should all take place in a classroom. Texts offer ideas that may not come to the top of an educators mind and may lend more incite than what is offered in the classroom. To those students who don't read a lot and watch and listen, that's something that needs to be refined and adjusted. Maybe its because in their experience reading was hard to accomplish because of disability or just never having the correct education to learn how to read effectively. I always loathed reading assigned reading, but out of class and picking what I want, I love reading. Probably why I do better writing reports on what I want rather than what a teacher has assigned or a list I had to choose from that I didn't find anything interesting on. Reading is an incite into other worlds of images, immagination, thought processes and knowledge. We should embrace it, not let it fall through the cracks of technology.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Philippines On Blog

It's not a blogger blog but it is a blog. Click Here , . A separate little blog post from each area they visit. How cool is that. They may have individual class blogs but I have yet to find them if they do. Interesting to see a prayer request at the beginning of a blog. You don't see many of those on the United States side that's for sure. It's a ministry school of course. That's the first school of ministry I've seen and I'm very glad to see all walks of life stepping up to the new technology at had. It's good to see school on the web all around the world. Intercommunication is at hand. If we United States people would get up and take inniative to learn another language or two I'd really be impressed. I don't know if this is considered an international school, but it's an international traveling school. I don't really know where the home base is so to speak. :)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Straight Down To Learning and Class: The Teacher Blog!

This guy gets straight to the point! Click Here He teaches English courses at Salt Lake Community College. He has those important links you have to remember about. There's the handouts if you miss out on class discussion and handouts, need to remember that one. There's a link about his portfolio, those *things* we keep hearing about! It might be nice to sneak and take a peek at what's in his little link there. He has a blog roll but you have to sign in of course so you can't take a peek at his classes activities but at as student you probably have a lot of access to other outside links that might help improve learning or projects. Then there's all the Meta stuff that I don't know yet, but I'm sure we'll touch base on that soon I hope. Otherwise there's the link to the idividual courses listed and handouts for most. Each individual site has the syllabus and handouts, course requirements, that sort of thing. What a student should know. No pictures up there so I'm not sure if it matters what the picture is?
ELL, ESL, and EFL Teacher - He's Amazing!

Oh my gosh! I don't even know where to begin with this one teacher I found. He teachers ELL, ESL, and EFL classes at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, California. His blog in monsterous. See For Yourself It has his lesson plans on the side with links. It has links to vocabulary, dictionairies, teacher resources, etc etc. His list is huge! There's a list of articles on the side to click and read. His list of awards is outstanding. Then there's the links to his students blogs as well. He has his favorite links and posts listed next. In his own blog he uses the tool from Google just as we are and is experiementing just like we are with the google tools. He can basically teach from a blog and never step foot in a classroom. This man has been using Blogger to his advantage. It has so many options available and its all a link away.
International Teacher's and Blogger

I found an interesting Blogger today while i was searching for educators that use Blogger. It's a Mathematics professor. Guess what? It's a Blogger for blogs. He has tons of helpful blogs for many subjects as well as a blog link to other teachers blogs to help teachers out in the classroom. How cool is that? Click Here . He has seperate links for Borderland, to help understand students. There's also a link to CoolCat Teacher Blog ( I love the title, so cute) for educators to communicate with eachother and share ideas. And the list goes on...Not sure what the links on the side are for, I'm not the complete computer guru to understand what XHTML and XFN is, eheh. He is the Department Head of Mathematics at Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Creating Links and Adding Pictures to A Blog
To add a link to a page we can either write the html code or use the tools that Blogger has built in. The tool to add a link looks like a link to a chain. This is a link to The Fischbowl , a blog used in training teachers in technology at the Arapahoe CO High School in Littleton, CO.
Here is a picture of Arapahoe High School.
Here is a picture of Arapahoe High School.

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Apparently this site helps you innovate ideas for the classroom. It also gives you ideas of how to motivate your class. This site also helps you exapand your knowledge, hopefully a never ending knowledge. Teachers need to continue learning and need to grow with their students as well. This site will encourage the use of technology to those teachers taht embrace the technological era I believe.
I noticed it gave a few links for things teachers can visit themselves. The links were used for videoconferencing. I saw one that had virtual tours for the classroom, which is a good idea if you can't afford to take students place or its too expensive, or if it's just something that happened to be interesting and was part of a class lesson that day. Oh, yes, and for those science gurus, there's a site for NASA LIVE. That's a great tool for those science teachers of any grade.
I noticed it gave a few links for things teachers can visit themselves. The links were used for videoconferencing. I saw one that had virtual tours for the classroom, which is a good idea if you can't afford to take students place or its too expensive, or if it's just something that happened to be interesting and was part of a class lesson that day. Oh, yes, and for those science gurus, there's a site for NASA LIVE. That's a great tool for those science teachers of any grade.
Monday, September 10, 2007
ALEX in the Classroom
ALEX is a great tool for the classroom and especially outside the classroom. I love how I can look up the Course of Study for my Lesson Plans, yes, I know all about those and not looking forward to the paper work, but my students and career will be worth it. When it comes time to turn in my Lesson Plans, they'll be complete, why? Because there are tons of suggestions, links, websites listed for me to browse and gather ideas for lesson plans. There's no need to completely stress out over a lesson plan where there's help just a click away. I'm sure they are more than appropriate and millions of teachers use them each year.
Students, you can't leave the students out. There's a page all for them. It will be agood tool to give my students to have and look at. There's help on every subject with links and websites at their finger tips. This will be a great tool and students who don't have access at home will more than likely have time in class or after school to use it. I need to take advantage of these resources to make my teaching easier and their learning more effective.
Students, you can't leave the students out. There's a page all for them. It will be agood tool to give my students to have and look at. There's help on every subject with links and websites at their finger tips. This will be a great tool and students who don't have access at home will more than likely have time in class or after school to use it. I need to take advantage of these resources to make my teaching easier and their learning more effective.
What I've Learned About ALEX
The first time I saw this website was actually in EEC 300. It is one of the greatest tools out there for beginning teachers like myself and for those who have been out in the field for decades. The first thing I notice available is the Course of Study. This CoS will help teachers start their lesson plans, since principals might want a load down on everyday or once a week of what you have planned and it has to have the CoS written on it. It ranges from K-12, so there's no reason to get stumped on what you feel needs to be taught and what order to teach it in.
The next thing I went to was the Web Links, which takes you to Administrator pages, Teacher pages, and student pages. The Teacher pages linked plenty for each classroom subject and even others such as counceling, lesson plans and even grants. Then you click on one of those, and it gives you a long list of actual websites. This is a great tool I'm telling you. I will have to save these sites for when I have become a teacher I can refer back to them. The Administator Link takes you to things about administration, I really would have to do some research to completely understand what those links are about, but its usually the Department of Education and other Links. The Student Web link takes you to actual subjects. Some of these sites would be very usuful for my future students and I won't hesitate to direct them to it.
Yes, lesson plans ladies and gentlemen. This sight has lesson plans. Just select the grade, the subject, and a bar to type what you want if you know what you are looking for. I think it's a little new because I searched some and there were no lesson plans, but by the time we graduate it will probably be full of helpful ideas.
There's always the search link if you aren't sure what you are looking for, I tend to use it a lot myself. Not sure what the Personal Workspace is since you have to sign in to access it, I'm sure its for registered teachers. The Professional learning would be to help ourselves out as educators learning new styles of learning, new ideas for the classroom and so on and so forth. Distant Access actually would be classes that not all schools hold I do believe with web enhancement. A good tool for those who can't what they need from a classroom.
The next thing I went to was the Web Links, which takes you to Administrator pages, Teacher pages, and student pages. The Teacher pages linked plenty for each classroom subject and even others such as counceling, lesson plans and even grants. Then you click on one of those, and it gives you a long list of actual websites. This is a great tool I'm telling you. I will have to save these sites for when I have become a teacher I can refer back to them. The Administator Link takes you to things about administration, I really would have to do some research to completely understand what those links are about, but its usually the Department of Education and other Links. The Student Web link takes you to actual subjects. Some of these sites would be very usuful for my future students and I won't hesitate to direct them to it.
Yes, lesson plans ladies and gentlemen. This sight has lesson plans. Just select the grade, the subject, and a bar to type what you want if you know what you are looking for. I think it's a little new because I searched some and there were no lesson plans, but by the time we graduate it will probably be full of helpful ideas.
There's always the search link if you aren't sure what you are looking for, I tend to use it a lot myself. Not sure what the Personal Workspace is since you have to sign in to access it, I'm sure its for registered teachers. The Professional learning would be to help ourselves out as educators learning new styles of learning, new ideas for the classroom and so on and so forth. Distant Access actually would be classes that not all schools hold I do believe with web enhancement. A good tool for those who can't what they need from a classroom.
You Tube Video About the Future
My first reaction was this video was going to about what my boyfriend has been telling for months now. I was on the line of correct, but then it went on to how much information will be produced in one day, a few seconds. Someday in my lifetime a computer will be more intelligent that the most intelligent human beings. It's a scarey idea to try and visualize, but it's happening right now as I right about this topic. In a way, humans will be obsolete. Where will teachers stand in my future to come? If information is published that fast, will it soon be to the point that I'll have to continue my education after my college degree and Master's just to keep up with technology? That video is mind boggling. It may not be accurate in the years, after all it is an estimate, but the day will come when computers and technology will take over the world, it is right now, espcially when that $100 computer program reaches all second world countries.
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