It's not a blogger blog but it is a blog. Click Here , . A separate little blog post from each area they visit. How cool is that. They may have individual class blogs but I have yet to find them if they do. Interesting to see a prayer request at the beginning of a blog. You don't see many of those on the United States side that's for sure. It's a ministry school of course. That's the first school of ministry I've seen and I'm very glad to see all walks of life stepping up to the new technology at had. It's good to see school on the web all around the world. Intercommunication is at hand. If we United States people would get up and take inniative to learn another language or two I'd really be impressed. I don't know if this is considered an international school, but it's an international traveling school. I don't really know where the home base is so to speak. :)
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