Monday, September 10, 2007

You Tube Video About the Future

My first reaction was this video was going to about what my boyfriend has been telling for months now. I was on the line of correct, but then it went on to how much information will be produced in one day, a few seconds. Someday in my lifetime a computer will be more intelligent that the most intelligent human beings. It's a scarey idea to try and visualize, but it's happening right now as I right about this topic. In a way, humans will be obsolete. Where will teachers stand in my future to come? If information is published that fast, will it soon be to the point that I'll have to continue my education after my college degree and Master's just to keep up with technology? That video is mind boggling. It may not be accurate in the years, after all it is an estimate, but the day will come when computers and technology will take over the world, it is right now, espcially when that $100 computer program reaches all second world countries.

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